

Welcome to classical Music!
I love classical music as well as relaxing instrumental music .
so some years ago,
I decided to create this channel where you can find the best videos of well-known pieces of classical piano,
violin and orchestral music combined with nature sounds and visuals in a unique way.
We made original and educative videos from musical compositions
which we transform making them perfect to focus on studying,
reading, working and improving your concentration and memorization
while listening to the greatest composers of all times.

Johann Strauss II - Frühlingsstimmen walzer Op. 410/春之声圆舞曲

zhangyi 提交于 周三, 02/03/2021 - 09:56
今日立春, 立春: 24节气之首, 有着冬去春来, 万物就此生长的美好寓意! 分享这首抒情而又生机勃勃的施特劳斯名曲《春之声》圆舞曲, 希望在万物苏醒之际, 大家可以迎来一个好彩头。

Viener philharmoniker: New year's concert2021/维也纳新年音乐会2021

zhangyi 提交于 周五, 01/01/2021 - 15:16
维也纳因丰富的音乐历史遗产而被称作“音乐之都”, 维也纳新年音乐会2021,维也纳爱乐乐团新年音乐会(德语: Das Neujahrskonzert der Wiener Philharmoniker) 起始于1939年,每一年的元旦早晨11时15分(维也纳当地时间)由维也纳爱乐乐团演出,地点位于维也纳乐友协会的金色大厅。

One Voice Children Choir/一声少儿合唱团

zhangyi 提交于 周日, 12/27/2020 - 18:08
"Love Grows at Christmastime" from the movie "Christmas Jars", sung by One Voice Children's Choir; Born on Christmas Day by Kristin Chenoweth - Cover by One Voice Children's Choir; Where Are You Christmas? Memories; It Just Takes Love [2002年冬季奥运会:杨百翰大学的学生,福田正佳(Masa Fukuda)听说附近的作曲家比赛,他们在犹他州盐湖城举行的2002年冬季奥运会期间写音乐作为配乐出售,他和让娜妮·拉斯基(Jeannine Lasky)一时冲动写了歌《 It Just Takes Love》没想到会赢,因为他觉得其他人,例如库尔特·贝斯托(Kurt Bestor)和摩门教会合唱团(Mormon Tabernacle Choir)都比他强得多]。