How ‘spooky’ is quantum physics? The answer could be incalculable
Proof at the nexus of pure mathematics and algorithms puts ‘quantum weirdness’ on a whole new level.
Davide Castelvecchi
Quantum entanglement is at the centre of a mathematical proof.Credit(量子纠缠是数学证明的核心.来源): Victor De Schwanberg/Science Photo Library
Albert Einstein famously said that quantum mechanics should allow two objects to affect each other’s behaviour instantly across vast distances, something he dubbed “spooky action at a distance”1. Decades after his death, experiments confirmed this. But, to this day, it remains unclear exactly how much coordination nature allows between distant objects. Now, five researchers say they have solved a theoretical problem that shows that the answer is, in principle, unknowable.
The team’s proof, presented in a 165-page paper, was posted on on the arXiv preprint repository on 14 January2, and has yet to be peer reviewed. If it holds up, it will solve in one fell swoop a number of related problems in pure mathematics, quantum mechanics and a branch of computer science known as complexity theory. In particular, it will answer a mathematical question that has been unsolved for more than 40 years.
If their proof checks out, “it’s a super-beautiful result” says Stephanie Wehner, a theoretical quantum physicist at Delft University of Technology in the Netherlands.
At the heart of the paper is a proof of a theorem in complexity theory, which is concerned with efficiency of algorithms. Earlier studies had shown this problem to be mathematically equivalent to the question of spooky action at a distance — also known as quantum entanglement3.
The theorem concerns a game-theory problem, with a team of two players who are able to coordinate their actions through quantum entanglement, even though they are not allowed to talk to each other. This enables both players to ‘win’ much more often than they would without quantum entanglement. But it is intrinsically impossible for the two players to calculate an optimal strategy, the authors show. This implies that it is impossible to calculate how much coordination they could theoretically achieve. “There is no algorithm that is going to tell you what is the maximal violation you can get in quantum mechanics,” says co-author Thomas Vidick at the California Institute of Technology in Pasadena.
“What’s amazing is that quantum complexity theory has been the key to the proof,” says Toby Cubitt, a quantum-information theorist at University College London.
News of the paper spread quickly through social media after the work was posted, sparking excitement. “I thought it would turn out to be one of those complexity-theory questions that might take 100 years to answer,” tweeted Joseph Fitzsimons, chief executive of Horizon Quantum Computing, a start-up company in Singapore.
“I’m shitting bricks here,” commented another physicist, Mateus Araújo at the Austrian Academy of Sciences in Vienna. “I never thought I’d see this problem being solved in my lifetime.”
Observable properties
On the pure-maths side, the problem was known as the Connes embedding problem, after the French mathematician and Fields medalist Alain Connes. It is a question in the theory of operators, a branch of maths that itself arose from efforts to provide the foundations of quantum mechanics in the 1930s. Operators are matrices of numbers that can have either a finite or an infinite number of rows and columns. They have a crucial role in quantum theory, whereby each operator encodes an observable property of a physical object.
In a 1976 paper4, using the language of operators, Connes asked whether quantum systems with infinitely many measurable variables could be approximated by simpler systems that have a finite number.
But the paper by Vidick and his collaborators shows that the answer is no: there are, in principle, quantum systems that cannot be approximated by ‘finite’ ones. According to work by physicist Boris Tsirelson5, who reformulated the problem, this also means that it is impossible to calculate the amount of correlation that two such systems can display across space when entangled.
Disparate fields
The proof has come as a surprise to much of the community. “I was sure that Tsirelson’s problem had a positive answer,” wrote Araújo in his comments, adding that the result shook his basic conviction that “nature is in some vague sense fundamentally finite.”
But researchers have barely begun to grasp the implications of the results. Quantum entanglement is at the heart of the nascent fields of quantum computing and quantum communications, and could be used as the basis of super-secure networks. In particular, measuring the amount of correlation between entangled objects in a communication system can provide proof that it is safe from eavesdropping. But the results probably do not have technological implications, Wehner says, because all applications use quantum systems that are ‘finite’. In fact, it could be difficult to even conceive an experiment that could test quantum weirdness on an intrinsically ‘infinite’ system, she says.
The confluence of complexity theory, quantum information and mathematics means that there are very few researchers who say that they are able to grasp all the facets of this paper. Connes himself told Nature that he was not qualified to comment. But he added that he was surprised by how many ramifications it has turned out to have. “It is amazing that the problem went so deep and I never foresaw that!”
如果证明成立,“这会是一个非常优美的结论” 。荷兰代尔夫特理工大学的理论量子物理学家Stephanie Wehner说。
该定理涉及一个博弈论问题。其中,同为一组的两名参与者不允许直接对话,但能通过量子纠缠协调他们的行动。这样,量子纠缠就能大幅提高这两名参与者的“获胜”次数。但作者证明,要两名参与者计算出一种最优策略在本质上是不可能的。也就是说,他们在理论上能达到的最大协调性是算不出来的。“没有算法能算出量子力学中能达到的最大违背值。”论文的作者之一、加州理工大学的Thomas Vidick说。
“最棒的是,量子复杂性理论是这个证明的关键。”伦敦大学学院的量子信息理论学家Toby Cubitt说。
这篇论文在1月14日发表之后,迅速传遍了社交网络。人们对此十分激动,新加坡初创公司Horizon Quantum Computing的首席执行官Joseph Fitzsimons在推特上写道,“我本来以为这个问题就和其他复杂性理论的问题一样,要用上一百年才能解决。”
奥地利科学院的物理学家Mateus Araújo说:“我被吓到了,我从没想过这个问题会在我有生之年得到解决。”
在纯数学领域,这个问题被称为“Connes嵌入问题”,其名称来源于法国数学家、菲尔兹奖获得者Alain Connes。这个问题其实属于算子理论的范畴,而算子理论是1930年代衍生出的一个数学分支,目的是为了给量子力学的发展奠定数学基础。算子是数的矩阵,行列数或有限或无限。每个算子都能表示物理对象的一个可观测量,在量子力学中有着非常重要的作用。
而Vidick等人给出的答案是:不能。本质上说,量子系统是不能用“有限”系统近似的。物理学家Boris Tsirelson5曾重新提出过这个问题,基于他的研究,Vidick等人的证明也可以推及:两个量子系统在超距纠缠时所能产生的关联性也是无法计算的。
Nature 577, 461-462 (2020)
doi: 10.1038/d41586-020-00120-6
- 1. Einstein, A., Podolsky, B. & Rosen, N. Phys. Rev. 47, 777 (1935).
- 2. Ji, Z., Natarajan, A., Vidick, T., Wright, J. & Yuen, H. (2020).
- 3. Vidick, T. et al. Not. Am. Math. Soc. 66, 1618–1627 (2019).
- 4. Connes, A. Ann. Math. 104, 73–115 (1976).
- 5. Tsirelson, B. Hadronic J. Suppl. 8, 329–345 (1993).