National Interest Exceptions for Certain Travelers from China, Iran, Brazil, South Africa, Schengen Area, United Kingdom, and Ireland

zhangyi 提交于 周二, 04/27/2021 - 20:33


National Interest Exceptions for Certain Travelers from China, Iran, Brazil, South Africa, Schengen Area, United Kingdom, and Ireland

Last Updated: April 26, 2021


On April 26, 2021, the Secretary of State made a national interest determination regarding categories of travelers eligible for exceptions under Presidential Proclamations (PPs) 9984, 9992, and 10143 related to the spread of COVID-19.  As a result of this determination, together with national interest determinations already in place, travelers subject to these proclamations, due to their presence in China, Iran, Brazil, South Africa, the Schengen area, the United Kingdom, and Ireland, who are seeking to provide vital support for critical infrastructure; journalists; students and certain academics covered by exchange visitor programs, may now qualify for a National Interest Exception (NIE).  Students and academics subject to these proclamations due to their presence in China, Iran, Brazil, or South Africa, may qualify for an NIE only if their academic program begins August 1, 2021 or later.  Qualified travelers who are applying for or have valid visas or ESTA authorization may travel to the United States following the procedures below, even as PPs 9984, 9992, and 10143 remain in effect.

Students with valid F-1 and M-1 visas intending to begin or continue an academic program commencing August 1, 2021 or later do not need to contact an embassy or consulate to seek an individual NIE to travel.  They may enter the United States no earlier than 30 days before the start of their academic studies.  Students seeking to apply for new F-1 or M-1 visas should check the status of visa services at the nearest embassy or consulate; those applicants who are found to be otherwise qualified for an F-1 or M-1 visa will automatically be considered for an NIE to travel.

Travelers in categories described above who have a valid visa in the appropriate class or who have a valid ESTA authorization for travel under the Visa Waiver Program and seek to travel for purposes consistent with ESTA authorization, should contact the nearest U.S. embassy or consulate before traveling, if they believe they may qualify for a National Interest Exception.  If a National Interest Exception is approved, they may travel on either a valid visa or ESTA authorization, as appropriate.

The Department of State also continues to grant NIEs for qualified travelers seeking to enter the United States for purposes related to humanitarian travel, public health response, and national security.  These travelers and any others who believe their travel to be in the United States’ national interest should also review the website of the nearest U.S. embassy or consulate for instruction on how to contact them.  

As with all NIEs for qualified travelers seeking to enter the United States under a Presidential Proclamation, if circumstances warrant, the Secretary of State may revise the national interest determination.

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美国时间4月26日, 美国国务院国家旅游局官网发布公告。表示自2021年8月1日起, 持有F/M签证的学生将不再受“赴美禁令”影响, 可直接飞往美国!

美国国务卿针对总统声明9984、9992和10143 (关于新冠疫情的相关规定) 明确了有豁免权National Interest Exception(NIE)的外国旅客。

包括: 中国, 伊朗, 巴西, 南非, 申根地区, 英国和爱尔兰为寻求为关键基础设施提供重要支持的人; 记者; 在校学生和交流访问者计划涵盖的学者。

也就是说, 国内同学可以直飞美国, 无需再中转第三国隔离十四天!

“持有有效F-1和M-1签证的学生打算开始或继续从2021年8月1日或更晚开始的学术课程, 无需联系大使馆或领事馆来专门申请NIE, 他们只需要不早于课程开始前30天进入美国即可”。

当然, 前提是你要有美签, 没有的同学需要去最近的美国使领馆签证。



1. 要在开学前30天内才能去美国;

2. 仅限8月1日之后开学的同学;

3. 如果有没有过期的F1签证, 可以不用重新办理新签证;

4. 如果没有F1签证, 还是需要先办签证。

不知道这一喜讯的发布, 是不是之前康奈尔、哥大、纽大等17所大学校长, 联合签名上书要求启动签证办理并放宽旅行禁令, 以确保国际生顺利返校的结果。

反正对于留学生来说, 这是个好结果!

目前中美直飞航班变化不大, 除了国内四大航空公司的航班外, 美联航、达美航空、美国航空也保留着之前的航线。




国航   CA987 北京首都-洛杉矶  每周日
          CA769  深圳-洛杉矶  每周二
东航   MU587 上海浦东-纽约JFK   每周一、二
南航   CZ327  广州-洛杉矶  每周四、六
厦航   MF829  厦门-洛杉矶   每周三、日
美联航   UA858 上海浦东-旧金山 (经停首尔)  每周一、四、六、日
达美航空   DL288 上海浦东-西雅图 (经停首尔) 每周四、六
                 DL284 上海浦东-底特律 (经停首尔)每周三、日
美国航空   AA128  上海浦东-达拉斯 (经停首尔) 每周二、五
此前想要从中国直飞美国, 必须持有美国驻华大使馆的豁免信才可以。
但目前来看, 8月1号之后, 留学生们就可以选择从中国直飞了。
疫情的大环境下, 目前返美之路仍然道阻且艰
美国疫情确诊数字累计已超过3212万病例, 赴美仍然有风险, 但可以免费预苗世界上有效保护率达95%的疫苗!
必要返美学习、工作的同学, 一定要事先做好万全的准备。
如果准备去第三方国家办理签证, 一定要尽快去办理,大部分去第三方国家办理签证的时间, 大概为20天左右。
一定要提前预约好, 规划好行程。