母亲节(Mother's Day)是感谢母亲的节日, 最早出现在古希腊; 现代母亲节起源于美国, 定为每年5月的第二个星期日。2021年的母亲节是5月9日。这首意大利艺术歌曲《Mama/妈妈》是最具代表性的母亲颂歌之一, 作于1940年, 意大利作曲家Cesare Andrea Bixio曲, 意大利作家、诗人Bixio Cherubini词。
这里分享荷兰歌手、演员Heintje Simons(海因切·西蒙斯)演唱的《Mama/妈妈》, 出生于1955年的海因切·西蒙斯成名于少年时代。1967年海因切·西蒙斯以单曲形式发表了这首《Mama/妈妈》, 唱片销售超过100万张, 并获得“金唱片”证书。
Mama (english version)
Mama, oh please dont' cry
because your boy must leave you
Mama, oh please don't let the separation grieve you
You little boy is growing
but don't be down when he's going
Nothing can ever replace
the warmth of your tender embrace
Mama, the day will come we'll be together once more
Oh my dear mama then we'll be happy
and as gay as before
When evening shadows are falling
and lovely daytime is past
Then I'm the hours recalling
when in your arms I did rest
Mama, I don't want to see your tears
think of the happiest years
Mama, oh please don't cry
because your boy must leave you
Mama, oh please don't let the separation grieve you
You little boy is growing
but don't be down when he's going
Nothing can ever replace
the warmth of your tender embrace
Mama, the day will come we'll be together once more
Oh my dear mama then we'll be happy
and as gay as before
少年海因切与中年海因切演唱合成版 · 海因切与妈妈影像背景
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