查爾斯·蒙羅·舒爾茲(Charles Monroe Schulz,1922年11月26日~2000年2月12日)小名「史帕基」(Sparky),生於美國明尼蘇達州明尼亞波利斯,漫畫家;1950年開始創作《花生漫畫》(Peanuts)系列,建構出以小狗史諾比(Snoopy)和小男孩查理·布朗為主要角色的世界。曾两度获得漫画艺术最高殊荣“鲁本奖”(Reuben Award),1978年被选为“年度国际漫画家”,1990年得到法国文艺勋章,并多次登上《福布斯》(Forbes)杂志年收入最高艺人排行榜,成为历史上最富有的漫画家。

You might like to recall...October 3, 1950 “Peanuts” first debuted in seven newspapers under the United Features Syndicate. Developed by Charles M. Schulz, who was raised Lutheran in Minneapolis and Saint Paul, Minnesota, “Peanuts” ran for nearly 50 years and was published in 2,600 newspapers, 75 countries and 21 languages.
Take the time to look at these gems of wisdom from good old Charles Schultz.............wonderful
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