🐇Happy Easter 2021🥚/🐇2021年复活节快乐 🐇

zhangyi 提交于 周六, 04/03/2021 - 15:12

Happy Easter 2021/2021年复活节快乐

Easter is meant to be the symbol of hope,/复活节意味着是希望,

renewal and new life!/更新和新生活的象征!

Easter is spring./复活节是春天。

The garden awakens,/快乐花园已苏醒,

the flowers and trees are blooming again./花草树木再次盛开。

Sun and colors bring back the good mood./阳光和色彩带回美好的心情。

Enjoy your holidays and spring dear friends around the world./与世界各地的亲朋好友们在一起享受您的假期和春天

Happy and Blessed Easter, everyone!/祝大家复活节快乐!



