福高(福州高级中学)21届郑芷晴小学妹去年高考前夕, 被诊断出~~急性髓系白血病(M5). 第一次脊髓移植很成功,但已花费了所有储蓄和房产,
因现在又出现髓外复发现象,需要二次移植, 病魔已浩尽了家中所有钱财.
Before the nation-wide college entrance examinations last year Miss ZhiQing Zheng, Fuzhou Senior High School class of 2021, was diagnosed with Acute Myeloid Leukemia (Blood Cancer (M5)). Her family has run out all savings and sold real estate properties for her bone marrow transplant last year. Unfortunately, she developed extramedullary recurrence, a second transplant is a must to save her life. In the past over a year, the terrible disease has consumed all the properties and belongings of the family.
As a member of Fuzhou Senior High School alumni, everyone’s contribution, big or small, will make a difference. Your kindness can be a miracle and may save the life of our high school alumni, which is deeply appreciated by all of us.
捐助方式/How to donate:
考虑到海外校友特殊因素(无法用微信支付"轻松筹"捐助)! 我们设置了一个线上注册表格, 校友可以填写捐款金额和联系方式, 然后寄支票到管理财务的校友处 *或者其他方式 (PayPal, Zelle, 转账, 现金 等等), 美国校友可以通过Zelle转账(It's free service请与财务负责任人联系,谢谢🙏);
Paypal account link: https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/fugao80
Considering that Fu Gao alumni are mostly living overseas, we may not be able to use WeChat to donate. The Fu Gao WeChat group leaders have set up an online registration form. You can fill in the donation amount and contact information. Then, you can mail a check with the form to the alumni who is in charge of the finances. You can also use PayPal, Zelle, transfer, cash, etc. for your donation. In the USA, all donation can via by Zelle which is free of charge.
Paypal account link: https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/fugao80
财务处理完把捐款总额直接汇给患者, 我们感谢您提供的所有帮助。
After all donation processing is completed, the total donation amount will be remitted directly to Miss Zheng’s family. We appreciate all your kind help.
捐助表格填写点这里/Fill out the donation form click here: 点击进入表格填写
已填写的表格,点击这里查看/Completed form, click here to view 联系人/Contact: 财务负责人/financial manager--张毅/Yi Zhang email: fgoa80@gmail.com 微信号/WeChat: yizh321 财务校对/Financial proofreader--林琦/Chi Lin email: chi100chi@gmail.com 微信号/Wechat: ChiLin-omaha 技术支持/Technical Support-- 李振荣/Zhenrong Li email: fgoaa@gmail.com 微信号/WeChat:mic_zhuzhu paypal send $ link: https://paypal.me/fugao80 其他辅助信息/Other supporting information:国内的捐款项目链接/ Domestic donation project link * 若通过国内捐助~~ 如何取消额外¥3.00? 第一次填写金额后,点击“确认支付“即弹跳出选择窗口“取消”和“确定”,此时点击“取消”,¥3.00额外金额则会消失,然后再一次点击“确认支付” 截至2022年8月23日已将$4000寄给郑芷晴学妹的母亲王莺女士:👇郑芷晴小学妹的相片和求助信息/Zheng Zhiqing's photo and help information::
前几个月状态好的时候在家学习,做题,为复读做准备/Few months ago she studied when you are in good shape and prepare for college.
郑芷晴小学妹状态稍微好些仍然在病床上学习...渴望复读完成大学梦/At the hospital she still studying when her condition is better... eager to complete her college dream!
