The Wave/海浪

chilin 提交于 周六, 09/05/2020 - 12:24



 摄影: 林琦78届美国  A beach at Heroica Veracruz, Nexico, June 2019


The Wave

By Greenwood


On a beach

I watch waves


The first wave hits the rocky shore

Bringing me a deep voice

Come and dance with me

It scares me and away I run


The second wave sweeps over my bare feet

Bringing me a gentle touch

Come and dance with me

It comforts me and here I stay


The third wave surrounds my silent body

Bringing me an intimate hug

Come and dance with me

It excites me and with it, I play


The fourth wave invites my lonely heart

Bringing me a passionate kiss

Come and dance with me

It makes resonance in me


The fifth wave creates echoes in my elegant soul

It pulls me in and

Toward the sea, I go

Living to death


September 5, 2020



海 浪

英文作者 青    木

中文翻译 青    木







