Quarantine Opera
Blue angels and Thunderbirds together/蓝天使和雷鸟在一起飞翔
2020年5月2日,美国海军"蓝色天使"和空军"雷鸟"以一线飞行在巴尔的摩.华盛顿特区和亚特兰大举行,向一线COVID-19急救人员和工作人员致敬。宅家看电影 -Extraction
论坛Extraction (惊天营救) 2020 ‧ Action ‧ 1h 57m 7.1/10豆瓣电影6.8/10IMDb56%Metacritic 89% liked this film Google users Description A black-market mercenary who has nothing to lose is hired to rescue the kidnapped son of an imprisoned international crime lord. But in the murky underworld of weapons dealers and drug traffickers, an already deadly mission approaches the impossible.为国筹款3000万镑 百岁老兵庆生获约翰逊祝福
100岁的NHS筹款者的生日祝福 Happy birthday to Captain Tom Moore🎂🎉🎈全美第一 洛杉矶所有市民都可以检测新冠病毒
论坛美国洛杉矶市市长加希提(Eric Garcetti)表示,洛杉矶将成为全美第一个免费提供居民检测新冠病毒的城市,无论有无症状的人都可以检测。宅家看电影-Sabrina 1954
Chauffeur's daughter Sabrina (Audrey Hepburn) returns home from two years in Paris a beautiful young woman, and immediately catches the attention of David (William Holden), the playboy son of her father's rich employers. David woos and wins Sabrina, who has always been in love with him, however thei宅家看电影-Sabrina 1995
论坛Sabrina transforms into a beautiful woman but still has feelings for her crush, a playboy. However, she finds it hard to choose when his business-focused brother falls for her. Initial release: December 15, 1995 (USA)宅家看电影-The Coma
论坛The Coma 2019 ‧ Fantasy/Sci-fi ‧ 1h 51m Play trailer on YouTube 6.6/10 · IMDb 82% liked this film Google users Koma (original title) 1h 51min | Action, Adventure, Fantasy | 30 January 2020 (Russia) After a mysterious accident a young architect comes back to his senses in a very odd world. He must find out the exact laws and regulations of it as he fights for his life and keeps on looking for the exit to the real world.时事要闻
论坛独家:本周朝鲜经济代表团将到访北京 讨论食品和贸易问题--消息; 英国可能成为欧洲受新冠疫情影响最严重的国家之一; 朝独家:数据显示印尼逾2200名死亡病例伴有新冠症状; 鲜领导人金正恩神隐或许是为了避疫--韩国统一部- 阅读更多 关于 时事要闻
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宅家看书-经济学原理 |海龟交易法则 |君主论 |潜规则| 血酬定律| 爱的博弈 |洞穴奇案
论坛经济学原理 |海龟交易法则 |君主论 |潜规则| 血酬定律| 爱的博弈 |洞穴奇案DeSantis: Hospital systems holding up amid virus/德桑蒂斯(佛州州长):医疗系统乃足以应对病毒
1) 佛罗里达州州长罗恩·德桑蒂斯(Ron DeSantis)在该州的病毒数据中大获全胜,称佛罗里达州的医院有未使用的呼吸机和病床。 DeSantis周一在佛罗里达西南部的坦帕综合医院发表了他最新的COVID-19简报。(4月27日) 2) 佛罗里达州州长桑迪斯(DeSantis)周一举行了新闻发布会,讨论了当地和州与冠状病毒作斗争的努力。Today in History for April 27th/历史上的今日
历史上这一天:总统和内战将军尤利西斯·格兰特(Ulysses S. Grant)出生; 探险家费迪南德·麦哲伦被杀; 在第一次巴巴里战争期间,美国海军陆战队袭击了北非; 生病的棒球明星贝贝·露丝(Babe Ruth)感到荣幸。 (4月27日)宅家看电影-别告诉她
论坛Billi's family returns to China under the guise of a fake wedding to stealthily say goodbye to their beloved matriarch -- the only person that doesn't know she only has a few weeks to live.- 阅读更多 关于 宅家看电影-别告诉她
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“夹边沟”本为村名,因村子的一边为被当地人叫“边墙”的古长城,另一边是排洪沟而得名。1957年至1960年间,前后有来自甘肃省各地的三千多名“右派”被送到夹边沟农场劳动教养。由于恰逢大饥荒等原因,大多数在该农场劳教的右派因饥饿而死亡,这一事件又被称为“夹边沟事件”或“夹边沟惨案”。- 阅读更多 关于 夹边沟
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SpaceX Launches Seventh Starlink Mission, Raising Total Number Of Satellites Launched To 420/SpaceX发射了第七次Starlink任务,使发射的卫星总数增加到420
昨日在家门口目送Falcon 9 Rocket 🚀发射👀自2019年5月以来,该公司现已向轨道上发射了420颗Starlink卫星,继2018年发射了两颗原型卫星之后,总共发射了422颗卫星。这是SpaceX年度的第六次发射,并至关重要地标志着Falcon 9火箭的第84次飞行;这使得Falcon 9成为美国载运量最大的火箭,领先于AtlasV。网络防火墙面临挑战? 6G的延生, 5G面临着考验!(附译文)Beyond Acceptance/超越接受
COVID-19 培养了人们的想象力:我一辈子都不会想象我的手会比嘴里消耗更多的酒精...🤪All Hands On Deck: Volunteers Rush In To Support 24/7 Production Of Ventilators In Wisconsin/志愿者赶来支持威斯康星州24/7通风机的生产
向战斗在一线的志愿者和退休工作者致敬! 志愿者赶来支持威斯康星州24/7通风机的生产。 Gövsa是近100名GE员工和退休人员之一,他们最近几天自愿放弃正常生活,以帮助麦迪逊工厂制造通风机;发生严重病例COVID-19(由新冠状病毒在世界范围内迅速传播所引起的疾病)的患者,可能需要机械呼吸机的呼吸帮助,该机械呼吸机会自动向肺部输送空气和氧气。今年世界地球日环境改善出乎意料
4月22日是世界地球日。这是一年一度的全球纪念活动,以展示对环境保护的支持。新冠病毒大流行意外给世界上许多野生物种带来益处。由于人们待在家里减少旅行,有些不寻常的地方也能看到野生动物,并且某些地区的空气污染明显减少。Oil crashes 305% to -$36.73 a barrel WTI closed at a record low
论坛U.S. oil prices plummeted in historic fashion Monday, crashing below zero as traders unloaded positions ahead of the May contract's Tuesday expiration. West Texas Intermediate crude oil futures for May delivery cratered by 305 percent to -$36.73 a barrel. At a price below zero, buyers would be paid to take delivery as there are costs associated with transportation and storage. The selling had WTI on track to close at its lowest level since recordkeeping began in March 1983, according to Dow Jones Market Data. The June contract was trading lower by 18 percent at $20.43 a barrel.在线观看:全球著名剧院
COVID-19无情,而艺术却有情...... Stay Safe & Health to Everyone🙏LIVE - ONE WORLD : TOGETHER AT HOME (同一世界: 团结在家, 居家慈善演唱会)
为支持在前线抗击疫情的工作者, Lady Gaga主办了这场居家慈善演唱会。 美东时间四月十八日下午二点开始。电影-The Prince & Me 4: The Elephant Adventure/王子与我 4:大象冒险
举行皇家婚礼一年后,国王爱德华(Edvard)和丹麦皇后佩吉·摩根(Paige Morgan)博士应邀参加了Sangyoon迈拉公主的婚礼;佩吉到达后,发现迈拉(Myra)对自己与沉思和险恶的卡哈(Kah)的包办婚姻感到不满,并秘密爱上了一位名叫阿鲁(Alu)的年轻大象处理工;当Myra和Alu之间的秘密恋情被揭示时,Alu被投入监狱,神圣的婚礼象在丛林中失踪了;为了挽救迈拉公主,佩姬和埃迪必须说服大象和自由的阿卢,才能说服三宫国王真正的爱情占统治地位。电影-The Prince & Me 2: The Royal Wedding/王子与我 2:皇家婚礼
在举行王室婚礼的前几周,佩吉和爱德华(Edvard)在一项古老的法律出台后,便发现他与丹麦君主制的关系处于危险之中...这部电影的特色是卢克·马里(Luke MABLE)再次扮演丹麦国王爱德华(King Edsard)的角色,金·赫斯金(Kam Heskin)取代茱莉亚·斯蒂尔斯(Julia Stiles)担任佩奇·摩根(Paige Morgan),克莱蒙西·伯顿·希尔(Clemency Burton-Hill)担任挪威的新公主基尔斯滕(Kirsten)。电影-Prince & Me 3: A Royal Honeymoon/王子与我 3:皇家蜜月
The Prince & Me 3: A Royal Honeymoon 2008 ‧ Romance/Rom-com ‧ 1h 32m 2/5Common Sense Media3.7/5Amazon.ca 83% liked this film Google users Description After surviving a beleaguered courtship and controversial wedding that tested the depths of their love, the newly minted King Edvard (Chris Geere) and Queen Paige (Kam Heskin) get a chance to let loose as they set off for their honeymoon in the Danish countryside. But, when a chance meeting电影-Prince & Me 1/王子与我 1
The Prince & Me (王子与我) 2004 ‧ Romance/Rom-com ‧ 1h 51m Play trailer on YouTube 6.6/10 豆瓣电影 3.6/5 Yahoo奇摩電影 28% Rotten Tomatoes 91% liked this film Google users DescriptionPrince Edvard of Denmark travels to the US to attend a university. He meets Paige, a pre-med student and they fall in love, but she does not know he is a prince. Initial release: April 2, 2004 (USA) Director: Martha Coolidge Film series: The Prince & Me Box office: 37.67 million USD Screenplay: Katherine Fugate, Jack Amiel, Michael Begler阳台上的歌声...
论坛Gramilano happens to be a neighbour of Armando Ariostini, a baritone who works tirelessly for Casa Verdi, the retirement home for musicians, here in Milan. To keep spirits up, Italians have been doing what they naturally do: sing! At midday and 6 p.m. people are opening their windows and playing the national anthem, the song Volare, Va, pensiero from Verdi's Nabucco, and other songs from Italy's Greatest Hits. For the last week, at 6 o’clock, Armando has been coming out onto his balcony and singing a mini-concert for all us closed in our homes, finishing with Mameli's anthem, Fratelli d'Italia. Grazie!- 阅读更多 关于 阳台上的歌声...
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论坛Brooklyn 7.3 / 10 of 303 2015 111 min Drama Romance 1080-HD In 1950s Ireland and New York, young Eilis Lacey has to choose between two men and two countries.The tenacity of trees!/坚韧之树!
这些是令人难以置信的照片,它表明:当我们决心生存并坚持下去时,尽管有障碍,我们可以做到; 像鸟一样,让我们抛下不需要携带的东西…怨恨,悲伤,痛苦,恐惧和遗憾;轻装飞翔,生活是美好的!Origami/折纸(四)
Show you How to Make a 3d Children Bike This is How to Create 3D Origami Sport Motorcyle Amazing 3d Origami Car - Mercedes Benz Roadster 1936 3D Origami Airplane Fokker Dr.1 Tutorial 1/32 - PART.1 Origami 3d Airplane Fokker Dr.1 Tutorial 1/32 - PART.2电影:The Neighbor/邻居
论坛一个生活在动荡中的家伙迷上了一个有吸引力的房地产经纪人,他搬进了隔壁的公寓。 他还没有意识到她希望他搬出去进行她计划的装修。宅家看电影 -Gemini Man
论坛Gemini Man 5.6 / 10 of 10998 2019 117min Action Thriller 1080-HD Henry Brogen, an aging assassin tries to get out of the business but finds himself in the ultimate battle: fighting his own clone who is 25 years younger than him and at the peak of his abilities.2018、2019年在美国未报税者: 谁能享受政府补助?
在美的校友们: 有校友问我: 若曾经都没有报税过,能否申请$1200补贴吗?答案👇(附译文)电影 - Oliver's Story
论坛Oliver's Story Ryan O'Neal returns as Oliver Barrett IV in Oliver's Story. Candice Bergen brings an elegant charm to the role of Marcie Bonwit, a recently divorced career woman. Through his relationship with Marcie, Oliver begins to affirm life and the possibility of another love. Provider Paramount Rating 14A Release date 1978 Running time 1:30:26 Language English Actors Ryan O'Neal Candice Bergen Nicola Pagett Edward Binns Director John Korty Producer David V. Picker Writers John Korty Erich Segal Genres Drama Romance Support YouTube Help Center无题
无题--作者 花照水--此诗写出了所有医务人员的心声- 阅读更多 关于 无题
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Stay Home
鲍里斯·约翰逊(Boris Johnson):"很难找到表达我对国家医疗服务体系以挽救生命的债务的文字。 值得一提的是, 全国数以百万计的人为留在家中所做的努力;我们将共同克服这一挑战, 因为我们过去已经克服了许多挑战。" #StayHomeSaveLives- 阅读更多 关于 Stay Home
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复活节希望之音独唱音乐会 (Andrea Bocell: Music For Hope)有感
The music is so beautiful. It touches my heart. It reaches my soul. With tears in my eyes. I’m no longer pretending the world is fine. At this moment, coronavirus brings the world down. But we must be strong and carry on. Would it be the same When the pandemic is over? Would you hold my hands again When the virus is gone? I am sure we can find our way through this dark time. But I am not sure if the world would be the same ever.